Libya – Further References


  1. Maloney, S. (2012). Fighting for Libya: Canada’s Role in Operation Unified Protector.
    • Comprehensive coverage of Canada’s military and diplomatic efforts during the intervention.
  2. Chivvis, C.S. (2013). Toppling Qaddafi: Libya and the Limits of Liberal Intervention.
    • Analysis of the NATO intervention, including Canada’s contributions and broader strategic implications.
  3. Saideman, S. (2016). Adapting in the Dust: Lessons from Canada’s Military Engagements.
    • Explores lessons learned from Canada’s recent military operations, including Libya.
  4. Bercuson, D. (2011). Canada’s Role in International Interventions.
    • Provides a detailed discussion of Canada’s participation in the Libya campaign as part of its broader foreign policy framework.

Journal Articles

  1. Cooper, A.F., & Momani, B. (2014). The Harper Government’s Messaging in the Build-Up to the Libyan Intervention: Was Canada Different Than Its NATO Allies?
    Canadian Foreign Policy Journal.
    • Examines Canada’s unique diplomatic and political messaging before the intervention.
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  2. Jensen, R. (2012). Canada and the Libya Coalition.
    Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.
    • A study of Canada’s military involvement and strategic positioning in the NATO coalition.
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  3. Dunne, T., & Gifkins, J. (2011). Libya and the State of Intervention.
    Australian Journal of International Affairs.
    • Explores the effectiveness and challenges of NATO interventions, with references to Canada’s contributions.
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  4. Berman, D., & Michaelsen, C. (2012). Intervention in Libya: Another Nail in the Coffin for the Responsibility-to-Protect?
    International Community Law Review.
    • Evaluates the implications of the Libya intervention on international norms and Canada’s role.
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  5. Rashid, S. (2018). Preventive Diplomacy, Mediation, and the Responsibility to Protect in Libya: A Missed Opportunity for Canada?
    • Discusses Canada’s actions within the broader R2P framework.
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Case Studies and Reports

  1. Rodriguez, P.M. (2012). Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya.
    E-International Relations.
    • Analyzes Canada’s alignment with NATO and international legal frameworks during the intervention.
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  2. Kindarji, V. (2018). Sitting on Our Hands: Comparing Canada’s Intervention Policy in Libya and Syria.
    • Compares Canada’s military strategies and diplomatic policies in two major crises.
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Theoretical Analyses

  1. Nossal, K.R. (2013). The Use—and Misuse—of R2P: The Case of Canada.
    In The Responsibility to Protect and the Future of Humanitarian Intervention.
    • Explores Canada’s implementation of R2P principles during the Libya intervention.
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  2. Dietrich, J.W. (2013). R2P and Intervention after Libya.
    Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences.
    • Critically examines Canada’s role in the application of R2P post-Libya.
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Academic Theses

  1. Robinson, E. (2014). A Neoclassical Realist and Constructivist Approach to the Study of Canadian Foreign Policy: Canada’s Response to the 2011 Intervention in Libya.
    • A master’s thesis analyzing the strategic motivations behind Canada’s decisions.
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