Canada comes of age is supported by Canada History Society. The site is intended to present content about Canada's military and peace keeping efforts from pre-history to present. COntent is created and contributed by Society members or staff unless otherwise credited in a section. The Vimy Ridge project was choosen by Canada History Society because of the significance of the 100th anniversary of the battel in 2017.
A second project is currently in development regarding Canada's efforts in World War II. Specific subject matter and topics will be posted soon as well as a Blog in order to collect feedback regarding the site, it's future development and to stimulate discussion about Canada and its Military heritage.
Materials and content on this site have been produced by the Canada History Society, and special thanks for contributions from Veterans Affairs Canada from the 2007 Canada and the Great War Project.
Vimy Ridge soldiers Preparing for battle
The Attack takes place
Follow up and fall out of the battle
Lest we forget
Lest we forget