Canada comes of age

As we have been remembering the 100th anniversary of the First World War during the last few years, we have been counting the dead, the wounded, the destruction and those who gave their lives on all sides. April 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge which was the seminal battle during World War I for the Canadian forces fighting in Europe. Vimy, was many things, a great breakthough battle, the beginning of the end of the war, the proof of many new and different tactics and above all for Canadians, a landmark in the development of Canada as a nation.

This site has been encouraged and supported in it's inception and creation by the Canada History Society.

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Vimy Map

The Vimy Ridge Map allows you to click on different sections of the battlefield and to zoom in on a very detailed version of the map and study the area in detail

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1914 Start Map

The 1914 Start Map shows the positions of the Allied and Entent armies before the commencement of hostilities in August 0f 1914

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Schlieffen Plan

The Schlieffen Plan Map shows the German attack on France which was intended to achieve a quick victory and hence a short war

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1915-1916 Map

The 1915-1916 Map shows the military activities on the Western front during that period which achieved little gain for either side and enormous casualties

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1916 Somme Map

The 1916 Somme Map shows the details of the great Battle of the Somme which claimed more lives then just about any other battle of the war.

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1917 Vimy Map

The 1917 Vimy Map shows the Western Front and the details of the Battle of Vimy Ridge within the context of the Western Front

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Vimy Ridge April 9 - 12, 1917

Lest we forget

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Vimy Ridge April 9 - 12, 1917

Lest we forget